Contoh Soal Tes Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris UTBK SNBT dan Kunci Jawabannya
Tes Literasi dalam Bhasa Inggris merupakan salah satu dari 7 subtes UTBK SNBT 2024. Sebelum kita mengikuti SNBT 2024, kita perlu tahu contoh soal tes literasi dalam bahasa Inggris agar bisa mendapatkan gambaran soal utbk snbt yang akan muncul.
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Contoh Soal Tes Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris
Berikut ini beberapa contoh soal tes literasi dalam bahasa Inggris.
Soal 1
Skyscraper of waste:
Greater Jakarta drowning in mountains of trash
A Greater Jakarta, with more than 30 million people, sends more than 14,000 tons of waste to eight landfills every day. To put it into perspective, the waste that Greater Jakarta has produced in the past three years could fill up Jakarta’s tallest skyscraper, the 310-meter-tall Gama Tower.
B The gigantic flow of trash, coupled with poor waste management, has brought the metropolitan area into a crisis. Some of the landfills are already overloaded or face the risk of becoming overloaded. Soon, Greater Jakarta residents will run out of places to dump waste. The crisis has affected the people living near landfills. Smelly piles of waste – comprising everything from leftover food and plastic grocery bags to used diapers – cause environmental and health disturbances.
C The pungent smell of garbage is enough to numb our olfactory nerves. The wastewater flowing from these trash mountains has contaminated the groundwater, which the residents use for their daily needs. During rainy days, the same mountains will become extra slippery and prone to falling apart. This, however, does not stop the landfill workers from operating excavators to pile the waste higher – simply because they have no other choice.
D Bogor municipality, Bogor regency, Depok and South Tangerang have been hoping to dump the waste in the newly constructed Lulut-Nambo landfill in Bogor regency. However, the facility has yet to open due to a protracted payment dispute between the contractor and the investor. Adding to that dispute is the bickering between the four regencies and municipalities that want a greater trash quota for each of their regions.
E In 2018, the Public Works and Housing Ministry revitalized the Rawa Kucing landfill in Tangerang by making it a sanitary landfill where the trash is compressed and buried in a pit with a protected bottom to allow it to decompose into biologically and chemically inert materials. Bantargebang landfill in Bekasi operates a waste-to-energy plant and a composting facility. All these innovations, however, have a limited capacity and cannot keep pace with Greater Jakarta’s ever-increasing amount of waste.
According to the passage, the entity most likely to blame for the waste crisis in Jakarta is ...
A. the public at large because it is the public that still unaware of the waste crisis
B. Government who does not have any effective solutions
C. Those who involved in the payment dispute of Lulut-Nambo landfill
D. the Public Works and Housing Ministry solely responsible for the Rawa Kucing landfill revitalization
E. ultimately of less import than is recognizing the far-ranging side effects and working to find a solution
Jawaban: E
Soal 2
In recent years, the amount of money spent on advertising has skyrocketed. Expenditures on advertising totaled 40 billion dollars in 1970, 56 billion dollars in 1980, and a staggering 110 billion dollars by 1988, representing more than two percent of the gross national product of the United States. Furthermore, corporations are spending more and more money on design, display, packaging, and marketing. While exact figures are not available, conservative estimates indicate that in 1988 businesses spent at least as much on these areas as they did on advertising. Among advertisers, it has become accepted wisdom that in a highly competitive market, corporations must spend more and more money on researching target consumers, attractive packaging and display, and compelling promotional activities.
The prodigious amount of money spent on sales effort has generated some negative consequences. Because of the oversaturation of the market and the struggle for consumers' limited attention, the recent trend has been towards the concentration of power in a small number of giant corporations. Problematically, the monopolization of media capital has led to a situation in which many of the key producers of consumer goods also control the media through which their products are advertised. These conglomerates tend to have limited interests, which results in a restriction of the types of media content and information delivered to the average media consumer.
The concentration of advertising power in the hands of several large corporations grants these leviathans a high degree of influence over popular culture and society. While it is traditionally assumed that mass media content is designed for consumers, it is perhaps more accurate to say that the media content is actually geared towards the needs of advertisers. Consider that in 1981 newspapers and magazines brought in 30 billion dollars from their advertisers and a mere 7 billion dollars from their customers. This disparity in income shows who in fact the purveyors of media content are truly beholden to.
The title of the passage is most suitable with which of the following …
A. Advertisers and Consumers: An Examination of Their Complicated Relationship
B. Mass Media and Corporate Interests: An Inherent Conflict
C. Monopolization and Its Effect On The Advertising Industry
D. Monopolization and Its Effect On The Advertising Industry
E. Concentrated Power and Advertising: Undesirable Consequences of a Modern Trend
Jawaban: E
Soal 3
The Japanese economic achievements are basically due to the technological transformation during the last thirty years. The Japanese are by nature admirers of excellent craftsmanship and are able to master new techniques and processes without any difficulty. They have perfected the art of acquiring foreign technology at the appropriate stage and exploiting it commercially to their benefit. If the production index in the manufacturing industries is assumed to be 100 in 1951, it rose to 450 in 1969. This was the most remarkable achievement. It is estimated that 50 percent of this enormous growth was due to technological innovation.
The paragraph mainly talks about ....
A. technological transformation in the last thirty years
B. the reason why Japanese admire advanced technology
C. the Japanese growth in technological advancement
D. the cause of Japan’s economic achievement
E. the way Japanese exploit foreign technology for commercial interest
Jawaban: D
Soal 4
One hundred years ago, a world recovering from a global war that had killed some 20 million people suddenly had to contend with something even more deadly: a flu outbreak. The pandemic, which became known as Spanish flu, is thought to have begun in cramped and crowded army training camps on the Western Front. The unsanitary conditions – especially in the trenches along the French border – helped it incubate and then spread. The war ended in November 1918, but as the soldiers returned home, bringing the virus with them, an even greater loss of life was just around the corner; between 50 million and 100 million people are thought to have died.
Many of the people dying from COVID-19 are succumbing to a form of pneumonia, which takes hold as the immune system is weakened from fighting the virus. This is something that it shares with Spanish flu – though it must be said that the death rate from COVID-19 is many times lower than that of Spanish flu. Older people and those with compromised immune systems – who make up the majority of those who have been killed by the disease so far – are more susceptible to infections that cause pneumonia.
Doctors have described the Spanish flu as the “greatest medical holocaust in history”. It was not just the fact it killed so many, it was that so many of its victims were young and healthy. Normally, a healthy immune system can deal reasonably well with flu, but this version struck so quickly that it overwhelmed the immune system, causing a massive over-reaction known as a cytokine storm, flooding the lungs with fluid which became the perfect reservoir for secondary infections. Older people, interestingly, were not as susceptible, perhaps because they had survived a very similar strain of flu which had started to spread through human populations in the 1830s.
(source: BBC Future)
It can be inferred from the first paragraph that one of the factors helping to spread the Spanish Flu is that …
A. Spanish Flu was said to be less tremendous than other illness
B. Human populations in the 1830s has experienced Spanish Flu
C. Human’s immune system can handle the virus well
D. The vaccine of the Spanish Flu has been found a decade after the pandemic
E. The elderly was not as at risk as the other age groups
Jawaban: E
Soal 5
A Businesses and organisations involved in the sector are seeking to boost the value of Scottish aquaculture from £1.8bn this year to £3.6bn by 2030. They estimate this will generate more than 9,000 new jobs for the industry. A working group has launched a new growth strategy, which identifies key actions that are required to achieve the goals. The group includes representatives of the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation, Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre, Scotland Food and Drink, Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers and businesses in the sector.
B The strategy, which was developed after industry-wide consultation, sets out key recommendations for action by both the industry and government. They include stripping industry regulator Marine Scotland of its industry development role and passing that remit on to the Scottish government's Food, Drink and Rural Communities Division. The strategy document also recommends introducing "world-leading innovation sites to trial cutting-edge equipment, technology and fish health strategies".
C Another key recommendation - creating a new industry leadership group to drive forward the plans - has already been accepted by the Scottish government. Salmon is the largest component of the Scottish aquaculture industry, with about 170,000 tonnes produced on farms each year. The value of export sales alone is about £450m, making it Scotland's top food export.
D The strategy predicts an increase in salmon production to about 350,000 tonnes per year by 2030. It also forecasts that Scottish shellfish production - mostly mussels - will rise from about 8,000 tonnes per year to 21,000 tonnes. According to Scottish government figures, 8,800 jobs are currently supported by the aquaculture sector in Scotland. The new strategy estimates that number could rise to 18,000 by 2030.
E Stewart Graham, co-chair of the working group, said: "This new strategy reflects the industry's ambition to drive sustainable growth and for Scotland to be a world leader in aquaculture. "We have developed a roadmap to 2030 which can make a transformational impact on Scotland's economy and our rural communities. "However, the real work begins now and we want to forge a new partnership between the industry, government and its agencies to unlock the full potential of sustainably farming Scotland's seas." He added: "The strategy must act a catalyst to drive growth throughout the aquaculture supply chain through innovation, skills development and investment, and by ensuring we have proportionate and enabling regulation which balances economic growth and environmental sustainability."
F Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing welcomed the report. The launch coincided with the Scottish government's Finfish Summit being held in Fort William. He described the report as "a strong signal of business confidence", adding: "Aquaculture is one of our real economic success stories of recent years, with the industry on track to grow to a value of well over £2bn annually to the Scottish economy by 2020, supporting 10,000 jobs. "The Scottish government will now work with the industry to consider their detailed proposals and I have agreed to establish an industry leadership group to help take that forward."
The launch coincided with the Scottish government's Finfish Summit being held in Fort William.
The opposite of “coincided” is …
A. Initiated
B. Commenced
C. Matched
D. Concured
E. Contradicted
Jawaban: E
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